Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Thanksgiving Vacation 2014 & Christmas!!!

 Lucille at her Thanksgiving Feast for school
Beach Thanksgiving Vacation Begins!!!!!
Breakfast at Cracker Barrel!!

3 Palms!!!!  A view from the Beach

Ocean Fun!!




Bye Bye Da Da - Daddy had to leave early to work at Gander Mountain!

Aquarium Time!!!

Took this for Daddy!

Lucille, TT and Kristen flying a kite

 37 at Dinner this year!

Tea Time with MeMa

 Aunt Kath giving hair cuts!

Bye Bye Beach house, we hope we see you next year!

Some back home GA fun!

changed the calendar to Dec today and it was 72!

 Putting the tree up!

Daddy did a great job with the lights!

 Lucille's Pre-School Photo



A simple new game, Break the Ice, turns into a costume!
Lucille's pre-k class did a play, Lucille was a lamb.
Lucille singing - http://youtu.be/N8DakE4PBjY
Seeing Santa at my mom's mall.  Waited an hour and this is what Lucille did to pass the time and by the time we got to Santa, this was the best picture we could get of Ryann!

Christmas with my Mom & Dad, and the Guerin family!