Ms. Ryann is now standing and pulling up on everything and sitting by herself! It wont be long before she is chasing Lucille around the house! Lucille already plays that Ryann is her puppy and they crawl around together : )
Video of Lucy crawling
Video of Ryann crawling
Video of Ryann in the walker
Video of Ryann clapping
Lucille had to have a procedure to have her ear tubes removed. Only one tube fell out and if they don't actually fall out on their own in a certain amount of time, they can actual be detrimental. So she had to go under for a few minutes and have them removed. Everything went great with the procedure and we go back in a few weeks for a check-up.
We had a weekend home and we have been cleaning house, it really felt so good do binge and purge the house and donate so much to the batter women's shelter and men's shelter. Now with 2 kiddos, I just want to be really really organized and ready to go when we have to move again. Even though that isn't for the next year, but time flys anyways and I feel like military time really flys by! So we are ready to go!!!
This past weekend we were up at my parents for the weekend. We had a birthday party for my sister's boyfriends daughter. She turned 5 and it was at the bowling alley. We all really had a fun time! Of Course Nick bowled the high score!