Our Family

Our Family

Monday, January 20, 2014

Ms. Ryann is now standing and pulling up on everything and sitting by herself!  It wont be long before she is chasing Lucille around the house!  Lucille already plays that Ryann is her puppy and they crawl around together : )
Video of Lucy crawling
Video of Ryann crawling
Video of Ryann in the walker
Video of Ryann clapping

Lucille had to have a procedure to have her ear tubes removed.  Only one tube fell out and if they don't actually fall out on their own in a certain amount of time, they can actual be detrimental.  So she had to go under for a few minutes and have them removed.  Everything went great with the procedure and we go back in a few weeks for a check-up.

 Right before they took her back.

 Recovery, she got a smiley face pillow that all of the docs and nurses signed.  It was really cute.
We had a weekend home and we have been cleaning house, it really felt so good do binge and purge the house and donate so much to the batter women's shelter and men's shelter.  Now with 2 kiddos, I just want to be really really organized and ready to go when we have to move again.  Even though that isn't for the next year, but time flys anyways and I feel like military time really flys by!  So we are ready to go!!!
This past weekend we were up at my parents for the weekend.  We had a birthday party for my sister's boyfriends daughter.  She turned 5 and it was at the bowling alley.  We all really had a fun time!  Of Course Nick bowled the high score!
 McKenna and her cake, Lucille loved it!

 Bowling makes me tired.

 Making cake with Daddy!

 Ryann got a shiner, luckily it didn't turn into a full blown

 Can you see Ryann peeking out.  Lucille and Ryann were cooking for me : )

Friday, January 3, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!!

We had an exciting Christmas, we spend a few days and Christmas day in Montgomery, AL with Nick's sister Heather, Uncle David, Sam, Lizzy, and Grandpa Ron and Grandma Kathy drove down from WI.  It was a fun filled adventure!
Best Video of Lucille singing We wish you a merry Christmas!!
Ryann was laughing when Lucille was doing this and then I got the video camera and this was all I could get, LOL!
We have a crawler on our hands!
(sorry, its so dark, I will have more to come)
 Dreaming of all of the fun we will have at Auntie Heather's!

 Funny faces on the ipad


 Decorating cookies with Grandma Kathy!

 Stockings were hung by the chimney..

 Uncle David!

 Christmas Eve, present exchange with family.
Video of Lucy waking up on Christmas morning.  Was hoping for a more excited reaction, but still fun.

 Hi Grandma Peeps and Poppa!


Viedo of Ryann opening Christmas presents.

 Trampoline fun with Grandma Kathy!
Lucy also had fun with Lizzy's jeep!  Grandma Kathy and Da Da were outside to help.

 Home again, Home again..  For one day to get re-packed to head to NC for Guerin family xmas.

 I spy a sleeping baby!

 Ryann was worn out from all of her playing and crawling around, she feel asleep on the living room floor.

 With Grandpa and Me Ma's house. Lucy was pretending this bench was a sleigh!

 Guerin Family Christmas!  We miss Bee Pa very much.

 MeMa's tree.

 Home again!  Lucy watching tv under her tent that Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Ron made her!

 Happy New Year!!

 I can sit now!

 and look my first time with a cup!

 my next bath seat!

 Lucy and Ryann going for a ride!
Video of Lucy and Ryann riding in Ryann's car.

 Ryann is now getting up on her knees to inspect things!  Wont be long now : )

 See Ya later  mom!

We didn't do anything for the new year, we did get a bottle of champagne and that is still in the fridge, LOL!
We are excited for the new year and for life to slow down a little bit.  Lucy will have a procedure on Mon to get her ear tubes out, if they don't fall out in a certain amount of time they can actually become detrimental.  So we will have that, and then monthly family themed dinners will start again, and Uncle Justin will be here at the end of the month for work, we are excited for him.  Otherwise, we are starting spring cleaning early and really getting nice and cleaned out and organized before we have our next move, time really does fly..  and we will have Ryann's 1st birthday!!!!  Cant believe that!
We hope that everyone has a very happy, healthy and blessed 2014!!!!!
love, us