Our Family

Our Family

Friday, May 9, 2014

Nick's Bday, Easter, The Rapids, Oh my : )

Again, blog.  We are sorry for neglecting you.  Time just goes by so fast.  Nick celebrated his birthday and went to the 4-Wide Nationals with my Dad.  They had a great time!
Video of one of the races. 

We also went to Hibachi dinner with Michelle, Shannon and Justin.  We had a good time being together, but our dinner experience wasn't the best...

Video of Lady singing happy birthday to nick! Sorry it is sideways!
Then it was Easter time!!!

 When we were walking out, Lucy saw this sign and said look there is Bee Pa (my grandpa), aw its a lady, we were laughing and knew that Bee Pa would be too! 

Savannah River Rapids, this was the first time that we went here and we LOVED it!

 So spring in GA! Heelllooo Summer!!

 Sisters Holding Hands :)  Made Nick and I tear up a little bit!

 Ryann got her chance to bug Lucy while she was sleeping. 

Video of Ryann pushing around the baby carriage.

Ryann loves the swing way more than Lucy did or even does.

 How they watch Baby Einstein!

 We have a climber!

Oh, we also have our next American Idol!
Ryann is really close to walking!  She took 7 steps by herself!
We are now looking forward to our big Iowa and WI trip!
Lucy's 4th birthday will be here before we know it too!  Excited for that!!
We are all doing well and we are excited for the warm weather!
Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Prayer request Please!
My sister Shannon will be having her second major spine surgery this coming Tuesday and we just pray that this surgery is successful and she can begin to recover and get healthy and strong.   We love you Auntie Shany!! 
Chop Chop, mommy cut her hair off!!!!  it feels so nice and healthy!