Our Family

Our Family

Friday, July 11, 2014

Lucy's NC Bday, Chucky Cheese, Guerin Family Reunion, Summer Fun!

And our summer travels continued.  After a week home to get unpacked and re-organized from our Iowa/Wisconsin adventures, the girls and I headed to my parents house in NC to celebrate Lucy's 4th birthday.  we had a great time!!!  My mom  made an awesome cake, Belle!
 Lucy so tired!

 I thought this was cool at party city, they make super hero costumes for girls now : )

 My sister michelle turned 30 the same day we were celebrating Lucy's bday, so we had a combined birthday party!

 Lucys Belle cake!

 Sisters out for Michelle's birthday!

 singing happy birthday to meesh!

 Chucky E cheese!  With michelle's boyfriend, Brian and his daughter.
Video of Ryann loving this play area!

 then we traveled the following weekend to Cockeysville, MD for the Guerin family reunion.

 There is my grandma going down the slide!

 Lucy to follow!
Video of Lucy going down!

 Uncle Dennis was up next!

 so exciting, when we got home, Lucy finally had tomoatoes!!!  we have gotten about 30 so far!!!

 Daddy - daughter cookie time!

 Summer FUN!!!

Lucy and Ryann in another matching picture!!!

July 4th pictures to come!!!  Have to get cuter ones of the girls in there really cute outfits!!!