Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hi Blog!
Lucille got her first butterfly garden and she really got a kick out of it.  I was amazed at how big the caterpillars got and nature is just so cool when you think about it.  How the caterpillars know when they have eaten enough and are ready cocoon.
 they started out about as long as 3 rice kernels.

 Then they kept eating and eating and were huge!

 Once they all cocooned we moved the paper circle to the butterfly nest.

 they they hatched.

 We fed them sugar water for a day and put a pretty rose in there.

 and we let them go!

 Lucille and TT picked fruits and veggsies from my parent garden. 

 They got huge cucumbers!

 Look what I did!
 my best friend from high school Julie came to visit!  We had a blast with her.  She teachers Spanish and was able to teach Lucille some words.  It was so fun!
Lucy and Juls baking some yummy funfetti cake!!

 it was delicious!!

 learning and doing puzzles!

 Hawaiian Family dinner night!  We had delicious food!

 Can you spot Lucy's cup!  She fell asleep like that!!

 making toast pizza!  since lucy is weird about her cheese, she only likes it cold and by itself, she makes it herself with toast : )

 First Day of Pre-K!!!!

 Fun poster we had to make for Lucy's class.

 Pizza party at the VanTassels!


This crane SIGHTING was so weird!  My Uncle Ryan, who passed away 7 years ago, his favorite bird was a blue herring, we usually only see them around the lake up by my parents house.  Aug 26th I took this picture, which was the 7th anniversary of his death and Nick spotted this bird when he pulled in the driveway after work.  I know its not a blue herring but it is a crane and that is enough of a sign for me : )
So we have lots of animals around lately. 
 Lucy's beta named dorothy

 mommy and baby lizard on our back patio

 turtle we saw this past weekend outside.
  Beautiful sunset at our house this past weekend!
Video of 1st Soccer practice!

Lucy seemed to do really well : ) and she liked it, I think. It will be so fun to see her progress from now until the end of the season.
Otherwise, we are finally all back to healthy and normal routines.  (shh.. fingers crossed, don't want to say that to loud)
Lucy is LOVING pre-k and learning so much already!
Ryann is doing great and we cant wait for her to talk soon!  she does a lot of talking but no one can understand her, LOL!
Nick got a part time job at Gander mountain.  It is a brand new store here and it will open 9/23.  He is in the firearm section.  Go Daddy!
We are still blazing hot here and cant wait for our fall to start here, which probably wont be until Oct. 
we don't have anything coming up at all, which is crazy for us.  we are hoping that my friend Jill and her son Matthew will visit towards the end of the month and we also have Uncle Justin visiting for work at the end of the month as well.  So maybe the end of the month will get busier, but for right now we are just hanging out.
Love Everyone!!!!