Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Soccer, a seizure and Fall, Oh My!

Here are pictures from Lucille's last few games.   She is really liking it, but she isn't aggressive and hasn't actually touched the ball in a game yet.  But at least she is having fun!

 there has been some awesome sunsets at soccer.

 My hubby brought these home to me to tell me he loved me : )

 Augusta Arts in the Heart Festival.  It was neat to see all of the diverse food and vendors.  and Lucy really loved getting her face painted.

 Blue slushy tongue!

 Teddy Bear Tea Party at school.  Wearing mommy's pearls!

 Lucille's best bud Cadence : )

 Super sky from the back of our house.
Some other big news, 3 weeks ago Ryann had a seizure at the park.  Only about 1 minute after I took this picture.
It was so scary, we were already on post at the park, so I immediately went to the ER.  We were referred to an off post pediatric neurologist.

3 days after the neurologists appt.  we had to go in for an EEG.  which was so horrible! 
 27 nodes on her head for 25 min....

 Taking off the gauze.  sticky, crazy hair!

 after all of that, French fries and a bubble bath!
With tons of prayers and lots of anxiety, thank god, Ryann got a clean bill of health and we were cleared from the neurologists.  so since her eeg was normal, they really cant tell my why she had a seizure and if she will ever have another one.  so I am doing my best to mentally move past it.  Thank god she is healthy.

 little critter that went for a ride with us.

 painting!  they did pretty good!

 watching tv on there bus, LOL!

 playing winter : )

 Halloween crafts!

 Gander Mountain hats from daddy!

 Can you spot Ryann?

 This was crayon, I don't know how hard she had to push to get this on her face!

 my Frankenstein front door!

 Lucy's feet are ghosts, both their hands are spiders and Ryann's feet are Frankenstein.
We are excited for fall, but wish we would get some fall temps here.  we are still in the high 80's.  Now that Ryann's health is back to normal, we are just hanging out and going back to being boring, which is great for us!