Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Lucille finished up soccer.  she seemed to really enjoy it!  Esp high fiving her coach!  I think we will still give soccer a chance!

Lucille's first school field trip!
Pumpkin Patch and Daddy drove : )

Cadence, Lucille and Chloe

 Super cute outfit!

 NOT so super cute!!!!
Since Daddy has been working his 2nd job at Gander on the weekends, we have been keeping ourselves busy!

Video of Lucille pushing Ryann on the swing

 Lucille getting ready for the thanksgiving beach vacation!

 Ryann LOVES ice pops!

 We love Daddy!

 So Ryann was super mad and sad and she climed into her stroller!

 hanging out

 Ryann set her dolls up in a line and put her blanket on them.
Happy Halloween!
Lucille had a school party and then we headed to grandma and grandpas house in charlotte.
Lucille was Elsa and Ryann was Minnie Mouse.  Of course I couldn't get a good picture of them!


Lucille is on right and Ryann on left!

Video of Lucille running with her Elsa cape (that I made!)
 Fall is here!!!!
Lucille is on left and Ryann is on right!

Otherwise, things have been nice and calm and quiet.  We have had some colds going around, but we will take that.  We are just getting so excited for the beach house vacation.  We are staying at 3 Palms this year!  http://www.bluewaternc.com/CrystalCoast/VacationRentals/EmeraldIsle/Details/3Palms/
 12 days to go!!!  It should be another GREAT year, we just hope that the polar vortex leaves in time!
See ya after thanksgiving!!