Our Family

Our Family

Friday, January 2, 2015

Christmas - Part 2

In our little town they put up a really nice light display.

Grandma Kathy sent the girls some new stuffed animals that she made!!  They loved them.  She also sent mommy her T-shirt quilt, which I LOVED and I teared up when I saw it.  Was just flooded by memories, and it is so warm that I am wrapped up by them too!

 Santa visited Lucille's class

 Santa Came!!!!  and boy did he spoil this house!

 Lucille got an MP3 player and Frozen headphones!  her favorite song is Taylor Swifts - Shake it Off!!

 Picnic with Grandma Peeps!  Nick's mom came to our house for 6 days and shared Christmas with us!!! It was awesome to have her!!
 Her Elsa hat, now she can have a braid!!! with her headphones on singing!!

We took her to see lights of the south!  have to get the rest of the cool pics that she has!

Took Grandma to the park, had a great time.

super funny video of Ryann and Lucille swinging!


 Lucille and Ryann got my size Elsa an Anna dolls.  The best part is that the shoes they wear, fit Ryann!

Christmas Miracle!!!  Ryann has gone on the potty everyday since Christmas Eve!!!  Asks to go and she pees every time!!
So we made it through Christmas!  and Happy New year!!!  2015 is going to be a busy one.  We have a month umtil my sister and her husband move in with us for a few months, he got a job transfer here to Ft. Gordon, he works for the NSA.  Then in a few months we will ship our house and van to Germany and move into Shannon and Justin's house, until it is time for us to fly to Germany, which should be in July sometime!  We cant wait to be able to spend a few months with them!!!
Ryann will be 2 in Feb, cant believe that and Lucille is so excited about the idea that she will be 5, so we are already counting down the days to her birthday, which isn't until June 2!!  LOL!! 
Otherwise, everything is good, the girls are good and we are excited for what 2015 has in store for us!!!
Love, us!!!