Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Bingen, Aachen, 3 corners, Dance and Daddy's bday!

The girls had been begging to take the train, so we wanted to go somewhere fairly close.  We eneded up going to Bingen.  It was a really nice time and the girls loved loved loved the train!!

The next weekend the girls had been wanting to stay in a hotel, so we drove up to Aachen.  it was a really nice city!

These cookies are only produced and baked in Aachen, they were kinda gingerbready.  not a huge fan, but it was cool to say that we tried them.

3 Countries at once!! Now this was pretty cool!  Not many people can say that they have been to 3 countries at once!

Father Daughter Dance for Girl Scouts!!!

 Lucille and her best buddy Gates!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!  Cindy our favorite lady, made this awesome cake!!

Daddy in Hog heaven!  mommy not so much!  LOL!

 Who loves their batting gloves???  Lucille does, she wore them and I am not even joking for 24 hours straight!  We def got out 9.99 out of them!