Our Family

Our Family

Monday, March 28, 2016

February & March! (Easter will be next post)

Fasching Parade!

It was unlike anything we had ever been apart of!
cool band at the end!

 Church in downtown Wiesbaden

Welcome Home Daddy!  You are right where you belong!!

Nick and my best friend surprised me with a girls day to Amsterdam.  Amanda and I took the bus with the USO tours.  it was a whirlwind, but we had a blast!!

Hey Fran! Do you think these will fit Nick!!

 Gouda Cheese!


 Freya, Lucille, Ryann and Lucy!!


 Now its time to Party!!! Pictures that Ryann's teacher Ms. Karin took!!

                              Ryann's 1st birthday                                                Ryann's 2nd Birthday!
Ryann's 3rd Birthday!!
Singing Happy Birthday to Ryann!


On Ryann's actual birthday, we went to the High School's production of the Little Mermaid and it was awesome!!

Well Hello, King Tritan!!

Birthday wished from Grandma Peeps and Poppa!!

 Birthday cake at MeMa's with everyone!!

 WOW! Brithday's tire me out!  Feel asleep sitting straight up.

 Crazy sock and hair day for Dr. Seuss Brithday!!

 Fox in Socks!!  I tried my best!!

 Mommy and daddy date night!!  It was delicious and fun!!!
More to come in a few days and we will be back to up to date!!!
I didn't want to overload the post!