Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It's my party and I will cry if I want to!

On our way to Grandma's house, the first road trip with 2 kids in the car!

 - Sleepy heads!

We have been having a great time at my parents house.  This past Saturday was my baby shower for Ryann.
Looks like she had a great time!
 she had such a cute ducky outfit on, I am going to put her back in it and retake the picture :)
Here are some pictures of the cute decor, food and cake!


So many family and friends came!  We had a great time and we got way to many things!!
Nick's mom : )

Nick's sister (I love Auntie Heather!)
 my sister Shannon (squishey faces Auntie Shannon)

 Shannon and her college best friend Jenna

(Left to right) My second cousin Barbara, My dad's sister Aunt kath, my cousin Elizabeth, my mom sister Aunt Mary

 my best buds from my bofa working days!

me, cousins Megan, Nicole, Morgan and Elizabeth.  I hope that I got Megan and Morgan right, LOL!

 Sisters! to the right is my sister michelle

 my grandma's sister Aunt Clair, my grandma, my mom!
Sunday was Nick's birthday and he went with my sister Michelle's boyfriend Brian to the zmax drag racing.  They had a blast!   http://www.charlottemotorspeedway.com/dragway/
 Nick and Brian
The rest of our week has been quiet, we have been spending lots of time with my grandparents and just hanging out!  We will be at my parents until Sunday, we have family themed dinner night on Saturday and this month it is breakfast for dinner, it is going to be yummy!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The start of our family blog!

So excited to be starting our family blog!  We are finally a family : )

WOW!  What a week it has been!  I can’t believe that we have had Ryann home for a week already.  Lucy has been a really great big sister and is such a great helper.  I took Ryann to the doctor on Friday 4/12 for her first check up and she is now 6lbs 1oz.
 Leaving the NICU! 

 Meeting nick at the car.

 All buckled in!

 Your life will never be quiet or the same again, about to meet big sister!

What else…  the days have just been flying by and the hours mushing together.  The first night and day with Ryann home was very overwhelming, but each day since then has been getting better.  She did come home on a heart monitor.  According to the pediatrician on post, kids that go home with the monitor typically stay on them for 3-6 months, but I am hoping that Ryann will be the exception.  We have a NICU clinic follow-up appointment on May 22nd, which should be very informative as far as her progress goes.  The NICU doctor is the one who would read the reports off the machine and determine how long she would need the machine and also how long she will need to stay on the caffeine, which just comes in a little vile, it is clear and is given to her in her nipple with a little formula.  The heart monitor monitors her heart rate and respiration.  The alarm will go off if her heart rate gets to low or too high and if she has an apnea episode.  The alarm hadn’t really gone off at all (except the first night when we didn’t really know, I mean, I didn’t really know what I was doing and turned it off wrong and it blares as loud as a fire alarm!) so at 3am Nick is calling the help line to figure out what we are doing wrong, while Ryann is screaming and Lucy is sleepy eyed and very confused!   But now that we both have the hang of the monitor it is not nearly as stressful as it was initially.  She had a few low heart rates yesterday, but that happens when she gets into a deep sleep and basically forgets to breath, which causes her heart rate to drop.  
 Lucy holding her for the first time!

 Pizza party with the sisters!

 3 Preemies!

 Lucy was sleeping when we got home

 Very trired Momma!

 Waiting for my big sister to wake up!

 Very tired Daddy!

 I love you sister :)

 Pretty in pink.

 loved how her little fingers were hanging on.

 Daddy's girls

 the bear on the blanket isnt that big, LOL!


 Grandpa and Lucy in their rocket ship, ready to blast off!

My mom was able to be with Lucy while we picked Ryann up from the hospital, which was a huge help!  My parents were also here this weekend!  So blessed to be so close to family!

This coming weekend we are headed to my parents’ house, my family is throwing me a baby shower (more like a meet Ryann shower), LOL!  It will be really nice to see everyone, Nick’s mom and sister will also be coming, Hooray!  Nick’s birthday is on Sunday and he is headed to the drag races at Charlotte Speedway with my sister Michelle’s boyfriend Brian, so I am sure he will have some good stories and pictures.   http://www.charlottemotorspeedway.com/dragway/ 

Lucy has been home all week with us, Mia her teacher was on spring break this past week, so she is excited to get back to her friends!  She only has 4 days left with Mia and then it is the Franny, Lucy ad Ryann show!  Officially I will be home with both of the girls!  Send plenty of activity ideas my way!

I am officially all healed and the doc has given me the a-ok to start running and working out again, I am so excited, it is getting nice and hot here already and I just want to sweat again!  My incision cooperated and finally healed!  Thank you God! 

 My mom and I gave Ryann her first bath! 
 as you can see she didnt like it at all : )

 Help me!

 Nice and warm, I'm all better!

 Lucy's First Bath! Thinking she liked it more that her sister did!

 Lucy wrapped up after her first bath!



Videos of Lucy meeting Ryann for the first time! 


Preview of all of the summer fun we are going to have!
Cant wait for the weekend, should be alot of fun, hope that the weather is nice!!!
Love and miss everyone very much and just wanted to thank you all again for your constant prayers and support, we have felt it all!!!
Love us!