Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A few weekends homw in a row!!

After the labor day weekend, we have been home for the past 3 weekends, with no visitors and nothing to do!! It has been nice : )
We haven't really done anything.  We do go down to the Augusta Farmer's Market, which was nice, since it is right on the river walk.


Last week we gave Ryann baby food for the first time, she had bananas!

Video of Ryann eating for the first time!


Trying to get video of Ryann Talking!!
Lucy and I were playing and I told her to make crazy faces, this is what I got : )



Daddy's 2 beautiful ladies, first thing in the morning!  Ryann is still not really loving her bumbo seat, her head is to heavy!

Lucy was watching baby Einstein puppets on the computer and she always hides behind the big pillow on the couch, looks like she was tired!


Super cute vidoes of Lucy singing songs to us.  The first one I was trying to video her without her knowing, but she quickly figured it out!!  The second is funny because she always does Rock N Roll with Nick!



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