Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, February 22, 2014

ICE! Seeds, zoo and more!


 Yes, Lucille was just wearing the outfit that is on Ryann. 

 Dress up!

 Lucille at dance.  Couldn't really get a good pic.

 She has the purple tu tu on.

 Funny how she fell asleep

 Seeds, Nick made a garden box, but we are first keeping them inside until they sprout and we have no more frost.

 Savannah River

 Another battle wound, on her right cheek

 Lucy comes up with the greatest outfits!

 ICE!!!! We lost power for 23 hours.  We were the lucky ones. Friends of ours had lost it for about 80 hours!  It looks crazy around here with all of the trees that fell, like a tornado came through....

Video of the ICE!

 Columbia, SC Zoo.  Don't worry a few days after the ice storm it was 70!

 only in SC!  Snow and a palm tree!

 Look, I can get up on the trampoline all by myself!

 Ryann's 1st bday present from Auntie Heather and Grandpa peeps and poppa!  a really nice sand and water table!

 Ryann wishes she could have French fries too!

 Ryann's 2nd bday present.  Activity table! from Grandpa Ron and Grandma Kathy!

I cant believe we will have a 1 year old in less than a week!  It is crazy how fast this year went.  and how big Ryann is getting.
Otherwise, we are doing well.  We have been quite here, minus the ice storm.
Just getting excited for Ryann's first birthday!