Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Ryann fell asleep so funny on Nick, sprawled out : )

Nothing to new here, just that we had SNOW in GA!!  Yay!  about an inch and it stopped everything.
 I was so happy that my glad came true this year!

 Yes that is people bike riding!

 Mother Nature's beer koozie!
 What ice marbles looked like on Pinterest,  So fun, right!?
 Here they are ready to freeze!
 Pinterest FAIL!  they were all disformed and the food coloring and ice separated so the colored water drained out and then we had just frozen clear marbles.  Lucy still thought that it was cool!



 We recreated Olaf!  my buttons are olives : )

 Squashed snowman!
 Ryann's quick bath in the sink!

 Early Valentines Day flowers for Mommy!

 Yes, this is how Lucille went to the store!

 Doesn't this picture look like we have a fish lense, we don't!  But thought that it was such a fun pic!

 Lucille rides on the back of Ryann's walker and Ryann pushes them around!

 Johnson Family in the snow!
Video of Ryann in the snow!
We are just prepping now for Ryann's first birthday!!  Hanging out and enjoying being home and not having anything to do!!!

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