July 21st - let the traveling begin.
We left Nick's sisters house and headed to the airport with Uncle David. (Side note, the whole time while we were visiting with Auntie Heather and Uncle David, Lucille wouldn't make eye contact or come within 20 feet of Uncle David.... She said he was too tall. Not sure why, but a great picture is to come)
some funny faces to start the journey!
An amazing sunset in D.C. on our way to the airport. Hoping this was God's way of letting us know it would be a peaceful journey!
Lucille got very close to Uncle David and at the end she jumped up into his arms for a great big hug, thought I got a picture of that, but I didn't.... Friends at last (and I mean the very last minute!, lol)
Ryann - Can I please go to sleep yet, its 130am?
Us - Not until we get onto the plane?
Ryann - Not listening. the poor thing couldn't stay awake any longer!
Fingers crossed, we make it through this 6 1/2 hour flight. Jet stream is on our side today!
WE Made it!!!!
Penta Hotel - Here we come! We spend the next few days getting on top of our jet lag!
But in the meantime I had these two green heads to deal with! Nick had to jump right in to In-processing.
Wiesbaden, Germany! Such a cool city!
Crazy Johnson's!
This heat makes us tired! It was about 92 degress on the day we decided to walk 6 total miles!
Gotta love the American Sports bar!
Noone would really believe us, unless we took photos, but for the first few days we didn't have our van, luckily we shipped it and gave it enough time that it was actually waiting for us in Germany, it just took us a couple of days to get everything processed to pick it up. In the mean time, our double jogger became our primary mode of transportation and a suitcase transported out dirty clothes to the laundry mat!
Suitcase filled with folded clean clothes, girls on eachother's lap and jogger packed with groceries from the commissary! now the trek back to the off post hotel begins!
Bowling helps to keep us busy! and the girls really like it! Daddy is getting his practice too!
So do the one million mini parks on base! I thought Ryann looked so tall in this picture!
My tired girls!
On our way to meet Daddy, who has our Van!! Lucille asked me why were all the German people looking at her, I said it was because they were jealous that she was strapped into a roller coaster ride! lol
Taking the bus to meet Daddy!
Movind day! after 8 days we got to move into the hotel on base! That was great because they offer a mini kitchen, so we can cook!
Below is the view of the city of Wiesbaden from our Commissary! Such a cook place to be stationed. we are right in the city. Across from base is also a soccer stadium, we are going to go to a game soon! you can hear everyone cheering and chanting! so cool!
sunset in the reflection of the hotel outside our hotel window. You can also see the tv tower, kinda looks like a UFO, lol!
Road Trip! We spent 2 weekends ago in Stuttgart with our friends that are still stationed there. Me and the girls ended up staying through the week and nick came back this past weekend to get us. It was so nice spending time with my friend Amanda. her husband is away at a school for 6 months. so I was able to help her out, she has 2 girls as well.
1st stop - Traumland
Lucy, Lucille and Ryann
Lucy is 3 months older than Ryann and boy could you tell. LOL! They had "no" fights and slap fights and box you out first so that I can get to the potty fights! LOL Amanda and I hope that they will get along when they are older!
Super cool Giant Ball pit!
Lucille was such a trooper, she did really well with the battle of the 2 1/2 year olds! she also kept baby Freya laughing!
Next stop - Our favorite place, The Stuttgart zoo!!
It was so cool to see all of the construction finished and the new monkey/gorilla/apes exhibit was so awesome!
Amanda's stroller!
a cheetah was supposed to be in the very back
all of Amada's helpers!
Baby Freya!!!!
momma and baby calf!
Iced coffee - Germany style!
Watchin tv in our undies! its to hot for anything else!
PX adventures!
This place was so cool! They have a lot of these around Germany. It is a Barefoot park. You walk around a trail with your bare feet and it has all different textures and stations throughout!
Just thought this looked to cool!
Just a funny example of driving in Germany. This is a 2 lane road, but at certain points only 1 car will fit! luckily on our way down the hill we had this big blue truck to follow!! Amanda drove and she did an amazing job! still getting my courage and confidence back to drive in the small towns and villages!
My "coffee" drinkers! Its luke warm hot chocolate! which we needed for the low 60's Germany rainy days!! which we had this past Sunday!
Lucille had a 3 week mini gymnastic camp to see if she would like it, and she LOVED it!!! we just got her, this very snazzy gymnastics outfit!!! I'm excited to see how she will grow and learn this year with it and how much stronger she will get!
SO there you have it : ) we have made it pretty much a month here in Germany so far!!! We are so anxious to get into our apartment on base... hoping on the 24th we will get keys to go look at the apartment that is slotted for us. we are supposed to get 3 options, but with Lucille started kindergarten and having orientation, I think that as long as option 1 is nice (which it is supposed to be, it was just renovated, that we will probably just choose that one) so that we can get moved in and settled before Lucille starts school on Sept 8th.
I am hoping to be much better with this blog starting today and will try to do weekly posts, that way everyone can be up to speed on how and what we are doing each week!
We love and miss everyone very much!!!