Our Family

Our Family

Monday, August 31, 2015

We are no longer nomads!!!

we have been sorta busy since out last post.  The girls and I have many adventures each day as we find things to occupy our time. 
Little miss is learning early, she takes her books on the potty.
The cool thing about being on base is that there are so many little parks throughout the housing areas.  The girls love it!!!
Here is a video of them sliding down a hill!

We went downtown to Frankfurt and it was really cool!!  Its just so funny to see this very old castle and then giant skyscrapers behind it.  I don't remember what this castle is called, but it has a café in the bottom of it. 

Frankfurt zoo was really neat, it is literally in the middle of the city and they have really cool exhibits where you feel really close to the animals.  The lion/lioness and monkey exhibits were our favorite!!

 Just a few turtles training for their circus act!

 Nick loved this sign!

 and this one!

 poor monkey butt!

These girls and their posing.. I'm not sure who Lucille thinks she is, LOL!

We didn't know it at the time, but this would be our last laundry mat experience!!!!  Lucille was a very good helper! 
AND THEN WE WERE HOME!!!!  On Wed of last week, we moved into our house/apt.  We have a 4 bedroom on the 2nd floor (out of 3 floors) so we are in the middle....  This is going to take some getting used to, because we are a loud family!
 The girls were watching some kids ride their bikes outside, they really love it!!! the other night when nick was at the park with them their was 13 kids there!!!
My upstairs neighbor has a cupcake business and she knocked on our door and said welcome to the building!  They were very good!!!

Just thought I would show you how crazy Germany weather is!  Going from 91 to 66!

This past Saturday we were at a friends for a BBQ, I have to get some pictures from my friends.  then on Sunday we were exploring around where we live, and when I say exploring, I mean..... (see below!)
Ryann was modeling her new high tops that Grandma got her!!!  they were soooo cute!!! 

this church is celebrating its 125 bday this year!

 Aunt Kath, this spider web is for you!  Lucille said we had to take a picture and send it to you!

  They have this giant park downtown that has many fountains, paddle boat and tons of birds to feed!  We were calling Nick the Duck whisperer!

 The girls got outta there quick!

 Mom this is for you!! weg=way

Our little adventure turned out to be a 8.51 mile walk, half down here and the other half up hill!  We had a great time and did I mention it was 91 outside! 


 thought that this was a great picture and most fun of all is that Ryann took it!!!
And another week is upon is.  We are waiting to hear from Lucille's kindergarten teacher.  She will come to the house to meet Lucille before school starts.  This is Lucille's last week of summer!  and she will start school next Tuesday!  she cant wait!!!
Ryann is starting to sing songs and remember the words!!  Its hilarious!

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