Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, January 31, 2016

We Really Miss Daddy!

Boy have we been busy bees as we wait for Daddy to come home.  Nick has been gone since January 9th.  he will come home this Friday!  It has been a long but fast month.  We really miss him!


Bye Bye Daddy! We are really going to miss you!
Luckily I have found some really great friends here and they made it their mission to keep up extra busy through the weekends that we didn't have Nick. 
The day that Nick left we went to Ramstein Air Force Base and went swimming.  it is about an hour away and it was such a nice pool!

My friend Trudy swam with the kiddos and I got to watch this handsome man!  baby Stephen.  He's 3 months old!
These sisters, LOL.  they said mom, mom, come in here quick!  so I ran into the bathroom and Ryann was Lucille were laughing to hard.  Lucille said she was a dolphin and Ryann was catching a ride.  LOL

On Wednesday the 13th, Lucille's Girl Scout Troop toured our Radio Station.  It was really cool!!

Video of the girls!

Lucille and Ryann were really excited to wear there workout gear that they got from Grandpa and Grandma.  and to finally use their stampers that they got from Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Ron!

Can ya tell?!?!?!? Its snowing!!  But it was really hard to get a good picture!

Piggy Back TIME!!!!

We got less than I'm not even sure, but the kids were so excited to play!  Lucille made a snow angel and they wanted so badly to make a snowman, so I used some cardboard and gathered as much snow as I could and below was the result!

The girls had off of school for Martin Luther King's birthday, so we went with Trudy and her kiddos to a indoor jumpy house place.  It was fun!  Ryann was loving this slide.  All it took was one time with Mommy and then she was off!

Video of Ryann on the slide
Video of the girls riding this go cart thingy!

Lucille wanted to make a grocery list.  She was asking me how to spell things that we usually by at the grocery store.  LOL!  We must be really eating healthy!

Lucille was ready the English to Germany picture dictionary.  LOL  it is fun watching their relationship grow as they each mature alittle bit more.

 They LOVE their new boots!

Grandma's outfits!!  I was so Sad, aunty Shany got Lucille the really cool neon green tights to match her dress and when I picked her up from school the whole one leg was bare and it looked like she has on dress socks with biker shorts!  1 time deal!  : (  have to find thick cotton tights.  stockings are no good. 
This past weekend we didn't do to much.  the girls spent a lot of time with our upstairs neighbor Cindy.  On Saturday morning she cooked them breakfast and let them watch Inside out.  They also helped with her cupcake order!  and then today Sunday the 31st, we went to church, CCD and Cindy might take them bowling this afternoon.

and the BEST news ever!!  This mom's first day of work is tomorrow!!!  I'm nervous but excited!
I will keep you posted!!! Only 5 more bedtimes and Daddy comes home! 

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