Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hi Family and Friends!

Not to much going on here this past week, just busy cleaning and organizing since we have been home from my parents house.  We are anxiously awaiting Nick's Dad and step mom Kathy, tonight.  They will be here until Monday.  It will be nice to spend Father's Day with Nick and his Dad!
We don't really have any plans with them, just hang out and on Sunday we will head to the Columbia, SC zoo!  Lucy doesn't know it yet, but she got a kid camera from them for her birthday and she is going to LOVE taking her own pictures at the zoo!  I will be sure to upload them!

Ryann and her follow-up neonatologist appointment yesterday and she is doing great!  we got the word that we are starting the process of coming off the caffeine and heart monitor!  If all goes well her last day of the monitor and next f/u appt.  is Aug 28th!

Her weight is now 9lbs 5.7 oz, we have moved from the 3rd to the 10th percentile!  Hooray!!!

 She was very excited about the news that the doctor gave us!
 She is getting so alert and starting to play with toys!  Lucy is loving that!

 thought this was a fun pic!  Reminds me of this one that I took of Lucy!

  Ryann doesn't like this toy yet, but when she does I will be taking this picture again!
 Sisters watching cartoons together!
 Ryann's favorite place to be, Daddy's tummy!

 Lucy found a new seat!

 Our little piglet!

 just chillin!

 sleepin with Da Da

 Took out the carrier!

 Ta Da!

 I love hanging out with my legs out!

 Dreamin : )
Lucy Birthday Pics!
 Lucy 1

 Lucy 2
 Lucy 3
 Lucy 1

 Lucy 2
 Lucy 3
and I couldn't resist, look at this corn on the cob we got! we got 2 for 1, LOL a little Chinese corn : )

Be back soon!  Hope that you enjoy : )

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