Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

We have a 3 year old and a 3 month old!

Hello!  Hope that everyone had a great memorial day weekend, we had a great time in NC with my family.  We missed Da Da so much : )

Another year older for me, LOL!  and now we have a 3 year old and a 3 month old!

 my mom and Lucy

 Lucy, my dad and brian's daughter Mckenna

 my sister and her boyfriend Brian

 Banner that Mommy made!

 my new scooter!

 Doc McStuffins Cupcake extravaganza!

Happy Birthday Video of Lucy blowing out the candles!


 Salon Grandpa!

 Painting toenails!

 I don't wanna be 3 months old!  : )


 Lucy loving swimming!
Video of Lucy swimming!  She really did a great job!

 My pretty dress!

 Ryann looks huge, LOL!

 put em up!

 I see you!

 I love my MeMa's shoulder!

 so cute, Lucy fell asleep, she looked so little to me in this position.
 Ryann and her god father, my Uncle Michael

 Lucy and her favorite cuz uncle

 I love this pic!

 Ryann with her heart monitor on, it attaches to a machine.  I will post a pic of that next time.  June 12th is her next neonataologist appt. I really hope that they are happy with her progress and we will be able to start weaning off the caffeine and the monitor.  We will keep you posted!
 What her caffeine looks like.
 our new friend Weston!  Guess who is older Ryann or Weston?  Ryann is by 2 months!  She has a lot of catching up to do!


 Lucy and Be Pa singing!  To cute to pick just one.




Super cute videos of Ryann!!  Couldn't leave baby sister out!


See you next time : )

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