Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Our Stuff!!!! School Starts and Week Long fun!

The Calm before the storm.  Our stuff arrived on Labor Day Monday, which was awesome!  side note: still trying to get everything organized and cleaned! 
 Our Bedroom

 Dining Room

 Living room

 living room to front door

 guest bedroom

 Girls room


 Ryann watching the movers

 moving in picnic!

Video of how a twin mattress comes in the mail!

 Sorry Nick, your pizza got alittle burnt!
Video of the Chaos!

First day of kindergarten!!!!!!!!!


 Lucille at her desk!

 Ryann, really missing sissy!

Ryann's first day of Toddler Program!!!

 Ryann loves the shower!! (though when she says it is sounds like Chowder with a (sh), showder!) 

 High top girl!!!  Thank you Grandma!
This past weekend we went to a really cool indoor play area!
Videos from tobolino

Lucille was so tired when we left, that she was super snoring in the car!
Video of Lucille snoring and Ryann counting!
Yummy cast iron skillet, our first time testing it out!
Nick made yummy steak with garlic butter!!!  and the fire alarm didn't go off!!! we had the window open and then fan right by the stove.

 Finished plate!

 Shaving with daddy!

 I Spy a child that feel asleep waiting for mommy to get out of the shower!

 our new thing, is riding bikes to school!

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