Our Family

Our Family

Monday, September 28, 2015

Just Settling in : )

Hello, sorry, the days have gone by so fast, it has already been two weeks since I updated the blog.  We haven't really been to busy, just busy settling in.  My great friend from Stuttgart, who is still in Stuttgart, came up to visit us with her 2 daughters for the week.  From the 14th - 19th!  We had a great time with her. 

 Amanda and the girls!
 Nick and the girls!

 Lucille, Lucy and Ryann eating yummy cupcakes from our upstairs neighbor Cindy!

 Baby Freya eating butternut squash for the first time!

 Fridays are spirit day at school.  The kids wear their school colors! Maya (our downstairs neighbor, she is 9) and Lucille

 On Sat the 19th, I had a baby shower for my friend Trudy, who was my first friend here.  She has 2 girls already and she will be having a boy!

 Ryann actually took this picture.

 and the lil miss bring her ipad into the potty with her now!

 Lucille slept over with Maya downstairs.  she stayed the whole night and had so much fun!!

 Pouring Rain!!!

 Lucille fell asleep eating her popsicle and Ryann was sitting right next to her.

 School spirit.  Lucille got her school t-shirt and my downstairs neighbor makes bows and made Lucille her spirit bow!
Side note: Ryann wears this cheerleading costume every day!  its so funny!

 Better picture!!

 This was this morning.  9/28.  Lucille loved her outfit and wanted me to take a picture.
So we haven't really been that busy, just finally all unpacked.  This week I will take pictures of the house as we are all organized and moved in now.  There is still a few pieces of Ikea furniture/shelves we need to make it complete, but we did it!!
Lucille is still loving gymnastics! and she had her first Daisy meeting.  I think that she is really going to enjoy that too!
Ryann is doing well, she is really talking up a storm now and loves her baby doll, cell phone and keys, lol
and I cant believe that it is almost Oct. 1st!!  Our countdown to Thanksgiving and our trip back to America will officially start in a few days!

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