Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pizza, Castle and Baseball!

Cast Iron skillet deep dish pizza!!!  It was so yummy!

Sunday Oct. 18th, we went to Burg Rheinstein Castle.

Video of 360 degree view from the castle

 Castle Toilet!

They are tearing down some old housing units on base, right across from where Ryann goes to school.  It has been cool to see it.  Ryann has really enjoyed it!

A different castle below that we will go to one of these weekends!!

 Tattoos & Mustaches from Uncle Michael and Aunt Mardette!!

 The girls new cheerleading costumes from Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Ron! 

 Happy Halloween!!  They are being mummies!


 The leaves are really pretty!  We saw some great color, this past Thursday, when we took Nick to get some injections in his knees.

So Ryann's teacher was so nice to take some pictures of me of Ryann.  Every day since Lucille had her school pictures, Ryann asks is today is her picture day.  I thought that if I could get her teacher to take some pictures of her then maybe she would think that she had picture day....  But, no dice, LOL  she still keeps asking literally every day,, "Picture day?"
She said she tried everything that she could think of, but no matter what, Ryann wouldn't smile!

 This was a fun craft we did yesterday.  you cut apples in half and use them like a stamp and make pumpkins!

 sister yoga!!  They are really good and watching and following directions!
Castle must be getting old to Lucille.  After church we asked her if she wanted to go to a new one today and she said she didn't feel good, but would it be ok if Daddy took her outside and practiced baseball!  So she was to sick to visit another castle but wanted to play baseball, LOL
Not another castle.  what 5 year old can say that!

Lucille is ding awesome with practicing softball.  I just happened to get vide of her hitting one straight at Nick and he caught it!!

The girls are getting excited for Halloween!