Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Anniversary, Pumpkin Fest a Castle and SNOW!

We had a really great and fun Columbus Day long weekend!
On Saturday Oct. 10th our 6 anniversary, we headed to Ludwigsburg!  it is only about a half hour from Stuttgart, we had been there a few times when we lived in Stuttgart.  Here is a picture of Nick and I from April 17, 2010.  only a few months before Lucille was born! 
So it was really cool to be back again, and this time with Lucille and Ryann!!

 I'm not sure, but for every picture they must do the peace sign.  I think that is in thanks to my Dad.  He is always doing peace with them!

 Ludwigsburg Castle and home to Germany's largest Pumpkin Festival!!

 Toddler meltdown!

 Does anyone else think Ryann looks so comfortable!  LOL

 Our down stairs neighbors!  Marcus, Maya and Matthew!

 Rapunzels braid!  I couldn't get the picture to turn right side up....

 yummy pumpkin Soup!

 thought tthat this was so cool!  I just happened to look down on my phone and it had last updated at 10:10 on 10/10.  This is a sign for another great year ahead!!

Germany's bids into the larest pumpkin in the world. 

 The winner weighed in at


Here is a video of them dancing in the dark with their frozen light up dresses~~
Lucille was very excited to be a model and strike a pose.  we had seen about 6 different brides and Ludwigsburg, it is a popular place to have weddings, and she was really paying attention to them.  they were all being very serious when their photographers were taking photos.  So for the rest of the night she was saying I am a bride and I DONT have to smile all of the time, and she made me pretend that I was her photographer and I had to snap about 50 pictures of her with this super serious face, I was cracking up!

Some finished products of the house.  We finally got it together~~~

On Monday the 12th, we took a drive to Burg Elzt Castle.  It was awesome!  It was about an hour and a half away.  Figured I would snap some shots of the German scenery.

 This is another castle that we want to visit!

Here is Burg Eltz!!!

Can you see us!!!

They were so tired, on the way back to the car, it was about a 15 minute walk.  they feel asleep in the stroller!

What I thought was crazy was this one road that we had to take to and from the castle.  I took various snaps of the GPS to show how curvy it was!

If you can tell, we are on the road and about to make a super turn to the left...

Here is another turn to the right...
And out of nowhere it turned to Winter here!  This week we got some snow flurries.  Only about 2 miles away from here is where they actually got about 6 inches of snow!  it was crazy to see cars with a ton of snow on them!

Can you see the snow???

And wish me luck.  Starting on Monday I have joined a 6 week boot camp challenge! 

Lucille did really great with her school picture.  I should have taken a picture of the proof, before we had to give it back with our payment.  But as soon as we get the image I will put it on here.
Ryann is doing great!
We are just hanging out and enjoying life!  and our countdown to Thanksgiving at the beach house!!!!
Tomorrow we are heading to Rudesheim and we will tour another castle!  Should be fun but cold!!!

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