I haven't been really good at all about updating the blog.
Crazy story from a few days ago!
I have started running and I have been going for the past 2 weeks consistently around 545-610ish, well Nick got home from work early and I decided to go around 3ish last Wed I think... so since I went running early our night routine kinda started alittle early. We were sitting down at the table eating dinner and it was about 6ish and I look out the window and all of a sudden I see a cop run up our street with an orange vest on, so I told Nick and he went outside to check it out. He comes in yelling that I need to come outside and when I do, there are tons of emergency vehicles and cop cars... about 3 houses down from us... We had no idea what was going on.. A neighbor walked over to us and let us know that there had been a motorcycle accident.. Apparently a man and women were on the motorcycle and we are guessing something went wrong, the man was able to jump off and the women stayed on and ended up getting pinned under the bike and the neighbors yard... We were told to stay by our front doors because the medi vac helicopter was going to be landing on our street to transport the women...
It gave us chills, because that was usually the exact time that I would be running around the block coming back towards the house, but for some reason (God's reason) I went running early that day...
Just a reminder to believe : )
We haven't been able to get any information about the accident or if the 2 passengers are ok, but we said prayers and we hope that they are.... We don't even know if they lived in the neighborhood or not.
Helicopter Landing
Helicopter Leaving
On a more positive note, our roses are in full bloom, we have a ton of bushes around our house. Here are some pics, when it is breezy it smells so awesome!
Ryann and Lucy are doing great! Been trying to get a pic of them both smiling! oh yes, that is right, ms. Ryann started smiling now and just yesterday started coo'ing! its the cutest and Lucy is loving it, when she talks to her she smiles!
Lucy on the trampoline at our friend Mia and Drew's house. She really held her own!
Lucy's Calling! I hope that it will rotate!
Today we are headed up to my parents house for the next 11 days, I am hoping that we will get to go on the boat, it will be Lucy's first time and I am excited for her! We also have a 3rd bday coming up!! I cant believe that she will be 3 on June 2nd, time really does go so fast!
Happy Memorial day, we hope that everyone has a safe, warm, happy and blessed weekend!! We know we will!!! We will just miss Daddy. Nick has to stay home, he just got put on an assignment for a month to be the Casualty notification officer.... If a solider dies, he has to help the spouse with all the military logistics... so we will pray that he gets no calls....
Love us!!! Will be back to the blog around the first week of June : )
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