Our Family

Our Family

Friday, May 10, 2013

WOW! Time really flys!

Hi family and friends, we have been busy bees and I cant believe how long it has been since we have updated the blog. 

We had nick's bother Eric and sister in-law Molly in town from May 1-7th, that was so much fun!

We had Ryann's 2 month check up, can you believe it, she is already 2 months old!
Yesterday, she weighed 7lbs, 9oz!  her newborn clothes are finally starting to get alittle tight on her!

The past 2 days it has been 85 and sunny here, so Lucy and I have been enjoying playing outside in the pool!

Otherwise, life has been good.  We are getting used to running on empty, LOL!  Sleep is overrated.
Lucy is a very good helper and it is so fun watching them!

 Ryann face, LOL!  Lucy says "momma, whats wrong with Ryann?"

 Loving this pic!

 Mommy popped my collar!  this outfit is hillarious, she looks like she was going to a business meeting!

 Our little lady bug!

 Can you see Lucy in the slide!
Here are more double shots.  Right side is Lucy, Left side is Ryann!
The next few weeks are going to be nice and quite, well as far as traveling and visitors, this house will never be quite again!  LOL!

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