Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

So Many New Friends!!

We were so lucky last week to have my friend Amanda (from Germany, still stationed in Germany) here to visit with her 8 month old daughter Lucy.  Her husband Andrew is here at Ft. Gordon for 2 months taking a class.  It was so funny having the Lucy's in the same room!  Our Lucy was getting confused to we called little Lucy, baby Lucy : )  Amanda took great pictures of the 3 girls, I have to get them from her and will add the to the blog,  she will be back this Sunday for her husbands graduation.

 Choc popsicle and a pony tail!

 I'm getting bigger, first bath in new seat!

 and now I get to take a bath with my big sister!  Lucy is loving this, she thinks its so cool!

 crazy big spider Nick saw between out fence, it was about 5 inches!  it was crazy how it made the web thicker to make that zig zag!

 Trying to get my blue eyes!

 I don't wanna a pic momma!
This past weekend we headed to Mooresville to my parents house and I couldn't believe how well my mom's garden is doing!  Lucy thought it was so cool how she could just pick a tomato and eat it!

 lil cucumber

 Eating tomatoes with Pop (my mom's dad)

 Playing in the water table with Pop!
On our way back to GA we stopped in to see Sara and Jason in Fort Mill, SC.  They have a new baby Weston. He was born May 8th.  he has a few pounds on Ryann who has a few months on him!  LOL!

 AW!  trying to hold hands!!

 Lucy reading the babies a story!

 I am 5 months old!  I cant even believe it!!!!

And the finale!  So I was asking Lucy how many times Mommy has told her that markers are ONLY for paper and NOT for drawing on herself......  and this is what she had to say!
We will have a quite week this week, lots of errands though this weekend as we gear up for our crazy road trip that will get us to NY by the 9th for my best friend from high school Julies Wedding!
We take Lucy to Montgomery, AL to spend the week with Auntie Heather, Uncle David, Sam, Lizzy and Grandma and Grandpa Peeps.  Then we take Ryann to Mooresville to my parents house, then we head to Baltimore to break up the trip and will get to see my sister Shannon and her husband Justin's new townhouse they rent on the harbor, then we head to my best friend from college Lori's house, which will be home base for us while we do all of the wedding activities. 
WOW!!! PHEW!!!!  that was a mouth full!!  Cant wait to write and add pics of all of our adventures that will start as we get ready this weekend!
We hope that everyone is enjoying the last month of summer, which is actually only a couple of days for the kids here, our County starts school this coming Tuesday, but they do get out before memorial day.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Whirlwind!

Hi Blog!  We have missed you.  So as usual we have been busy bees!  I had my 5 day mini vacation to NY for my best friend from high school, Julie's bachelorette weekend in Woodstock NY!  It would have been awesome, but I have been dealing with a horrible pulled muscle in my left shoulder blade... Boo hoo!
Nick had his weekend with the girls, he is the best Daddy ever.  he stayed at my parents house and kept super busy.  Forgot to have him take pictures of his adventures, but they did really great!
here are a few pics from my NY trip, wish I had taken more...
 Freedom Tower.  It really gives you chills once you see it again in person.

I flew into LGA and stayed the night in Staten Island with Diana, good times and delicious food!   I miss the pizza and cream ice!  Then we headed to Carmel to get Julie and head to our Cabin in Woodstock, NY!  First time in Woodstock, it was great to see all of the hippies!
 We did get some honks!

 Beautiful Bride to BE!!
 Sunset from parking lot by the Walmart at our house in GA.  We really needed that after our crazy travels.  Was so nice to be home!  (5 min after Nick picked me up from the airport, our van broke down and 2 hours later we finally got towed...) Thankfully my grandparents met us and helped us.  Don't worry, it was just a switch and the car was ready first thing the next morning, so nick had to drive all the way back to CLT to pick it up...  We were supposed to get home around 6 the latest and didn't pull into our driveway until 9!  it was a LONG day!  Enough about that mess.. 
here are so fun pics of the girls, to judge their similarities and differences!
Lucy will be on Left and Ryann on Right
 This is just Lucy, but thought that Ryann resembled her here...

 and here!

 Lucy reading to Ryann!

 crazy hair!

 Stickers for my pee pee chart! or my belly : )  We are being really aggressive with the underware and potty training now, so fingers crossed that by  next blog entry we may have a daytime potty trained big sister!

 I don't even ask any questions!
Just realized that there aren't any pics of me, I will try to get some up soon!!
in 8 days we will have a 5 month old, I cant even believe that! 
I also cant believe that we are home in our house, just the 4 of us this weekend, it has been over 2 months since we could say that!  Crazy!!!
This coming weekend we head back to my parents for All American BBQ family dinner, delicious!
and then we begin out whirlwind trip to NY for Julie and Kevin's wedding!  Cant wait!!
Ta Ta for now! xoxoxoxoxo

Monday, July 8, 2013

America's Bday, Auntie Shanny and Uncle Justin and Will the Rain ever go away!

Have we been busy bees!  We had my sister Shannon and her husband Justin in town since Wednesday night, they just left this afternoon. Boo Hoo!  We really were getting used to having them here.  Cant wait to see them again soon.

Happy Birthday America!

Our new friend we found the morning on July 4th, right by our front door!

 My First 4th of July!

 Sister and I would really cooperate for mommy to get a good picture, we will have to do a re-do!

 Army Princess


 Our Macy's fireworks!  Lucy liked what Daddy did!!

 Thought we would give the jumper a try! 
 Lucy's belly shirt!  She kept trying to pull it down, and said mommy, this shirt is to small, LOL!

 Lucy loves wearing DaDa's socks!  and she will not look at me anymore and take a nice picture, she has her arms crossed!
 So much fun with Uncle Justin!

 Who's baby is this, LOL!
 She started holding her bottle last night!

 Don't worry mom and dad, I got this!
Ryann is really starting to talk now.  Here is a Video
She is also staring to roll over!! 
Ryann had so many things happen while Auntie Shanny and Uncle Justin were here!  She started playing and grabbing for her hanging toys, she started really coo'ing and she is rolling over.  The only milestone she is not right on track for his to laugh!  But we aren't to far away from that one!!

 Auntie Shanny and Uncle Justin, we love you and we already miss you so very much!!!  Again, ms. Lucy wont look at me and smile eVER anymore!
We weren't able to do much outside while they were visiting, we have been getting so much rain!  and thunderstorms!  We cant wait for more sunshine to come back!
I figured that I would pass this pasta salad recipe along, it was a huge hit!!!  Much better the next day and the day after!!
Cucumber Dill Pasta Salad
My sister and I had a great sisters day out!  We got pedicures, I got a haircut, we went to PF Chang's for lunch and then we went to see The Heat!  Hilarious it was!!!  When we got home, my sister did an at home Ombre hair color kit!  I have the before pics, but need to style it and I will post the after pics, we were very pleased with the outcome!!!
Lets see what else, Nick and Justin got a bunch of golf in and we had lots of yummy food! 
On Wednesday we head to my parents Nick will be staying with the girls while I head to NY for my best friend from high school Julies Bachelorette party weekend!  We rented a house in Woodstock, NY and we plan to go tubing and have a BBQ, it should be a blast.  It will be really weird to be away from nick and the girls for so long. I haven't been, hmmm EVER!  LOL!
Be Back in a week!