Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

We Have a HAM!!!!

We had Ryann's 4 month check up and she is doing great!  she is officially 10lbs even and the nurse said that makes her a ham! 

She is really close to rolling over, she loves eating her hands and she is starting to realize that she has hands, LOL!   She is also starting to coo more!  Lucy loves that.

 Sad face!

 Trying out the Bumbo for the first time!!!!

 Big sister really likes the bumbo!

 Whatcha lookin at!

 Andrew is Lucy's new horse!

 Wonderful new bus that we got from my mom's best friend Patty, thank you Patty!!!!  Grandpa and Lucy going to school!

 Side view of the bus!

 This is what happens when I am trying to give Ryann a bath, Lucy gets her shampoo and washes her hair!

 Take 1

 Take 2

 Lucy playing dress up!

 Don't worry mom and dad I got this!  LOL!

 It was so funny!
Lucy is really loving shadow puppets right now! 
2 Videos of us in her cave (hallway) doing shadow puppets.

Lucy also just really started pedaling her bike, she really zooms around the house, we have to watch out for our feet and ankles!
We cant wait for Auntie Shannon and Uncle Justin to get here tomorrow, they will spend the holiday weekend with us and leave Monday!  They haven't been to Augusta yet, so we cant wait!!! We have lots of fun adventures ahead of us! 

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