Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 8 - 10 (plus all pictures from Auntie Heather's Cousin Camp!) Be sure to start a few posts down with Day 1!

Day 8 - Peekskill, NY to Mooresville, NC
Nothing to report on this 11 hour ride home, it rained most of the way until we got into PA... It was really stinky, but we did eventually get home to my parents house and got to see Ryann.  after 7 days she looked a lot bigger! Hoping to have video soon of her rolling over!!  She is SOOOO close!

Day 9 - Mooresville, NC to Montgomery, AL
Ryann did great in the car back to Auntie Heather's house.  Lucy was sleeping and she woke up after we got there and she had the biggest smile on her face and was so happy to see us.  It was so cute!

Day 10 - Montgomery, AL to Grovetown, GA - Home again!!!
Exciting news, Lucy stayed dry in her diaper for the first 2 1/2 hrs until we stopped for lunch, then she asked to go into the restaurant to use the potty!  We are so proud of her, she is really doing a great job potty training!!!

We are so happy to be home and a family again!!!

Next week Ryann will have her Neonatologist apt and we hope its the last one and that we can ditch this heart monitor!  Will be sure to update the blog next week.

 Grandma Peeps (Nick's mom) with Lucy, Sam and Lizzy

 Auntie Heather and Lucy

 Poppa Peeps (Nick's mom's husband)

Day 7 - Yankee Game - Yankee's vs. Angels

Day 7 - Peekskill, NY to Bronx, NY

We were so super excited to get a chance to see the new yankee stadium!

We took the the Hudson line train down to the stadium, which I never did before and it is so beautiful to ride along the Hudson.

 Tappan Zee Bridge from a distance

 Train went right under the Tappan Zee Bridge, I will be framing this one!

 George Washington Bridge

 Train stop

 Yankee Stadium

 Lori and I

 and A-Rod would play, despite the cheers and the BOOS!

 NYPD helicopter over stadium

 Tim and I (best friend from high school)

 Jimmy and Karoline Panzer with Nick and I

Lori, Tim and I

 High school friend Sara and her husband Neil in from Cali!  SO good to see her!

 as close to the field as we could get!

 Bye Yankee stadium
  Yankee Tavern here we come!  Baby Ruth drank here!

 Nick, Lori's husband Eli and Tim. 
Good Night Bronx, we better get home, we have a long drive ahead of us tomorrow!