Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Trip Day 4-6

Day 4 - Baltimore, MD to Peekskill, NY. Wedding Rehearsal Day  Best friend from college Lori's house will be our home base while we are doing wedding activities for my best friend from high school Julie's wedding.

 View of Freedom Tower from NJ

 SO excited!  Slight detour, super sad that it was an hour and a half wait to get inside...  BOO HOO! maybe next time when we have more time!

 Hi Hometown!

 Sybil Ludington!

 my childhood home!

Day 5 - Wedding Day - Fishkill and Cold Spring, NY
Mass - Our Lady of the Lake Church
Wedding Reception - Chalet on the Hudson
 Are'nt we cute, LOL! Lori did my hair and make-up, she did an awesome job!!!

 Hudson River Sunset

 Maid of Honor Diana, and yes Nick is that tall!

 Pretty reception, Chalet on the Hudson

 Table 4!!


 Pretty Bride, Groom and Nick

 Julie's brothers and father!

 not sure what happened to my eye makeup, LOL! Julie's brother Jimmy and his wife.

 childhood friend stephanie


 card box
 pretty cake and super delicious!
Day 6 - Carmel and Peekskill, NY (and the little towns in-between)
Nick was upset with me that I didn't tell him that my hometown of Carmel, NY is also the home to the Chuang Yen Monastery, which houses the largest Buddha in the western hemisphere.

 I think that it is 35 feet tall.
 and surrounded by 1,000 little ones.

 to much alike!

After this I took Nick to eat at the Carmel Diner, to Scoops for ice cream and then to the local super market to pick upi groceries for dinner.  We cooked Lori and Eli dinner as a thank you for letting us stay with them.  Yummy, steak, mashed potatoes, veggie medley and strawberry cheesecake for dessert.  We watched Another day to die hard I think..  It was ok.. I don't think that I had ever seen any of the other ones, but if you like action its right up your alley.  Tomorrow is a big day.  Yankee Game day!!

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