Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, August 18, 2013

home again home again jiggity jig!! Day 1-3

A few things before our trip started.
We took Lucy to ride a pony on post.  They have a great facility.  Here is buttercup!

Video of Lucy riding buttercup!

Lucy being the best big sister ever, dancing and reading to Ryann!
Video of Lucy dancing with Ryann.

Lucy helping Da Da clean the van before our trip!

Doing outdoor chores before our trip, Nick took down our hanging plants because they were dying and we found these.   It was neat, but sad, no babies were inside, which was good, since we hadn't seen the momma in awhile.


Now the trip details begin!!

We made it!  Lucy did great at cousin camp with Auntie Heather and Ryann kept my parents busy.
Nick and I traveled a total of 3,126 miles in 9 days, WOW!

Day 1 started on Aug 6th.  We went from our house in Grovetown, GA to Auntie Heather's in Montgomery, AL.

 Sleepy travelers!

 Diaper Stop!  Big sister is getting so good at staying dry in her diaper and peeing at restaurants and rest areas!!! 

 I see you!
 Hi AL, we have never been before.

 Front of Auntie Heather and Uncle David's new house in Montgomery, AL!
 Auntie Heather and Uncle David's back yard, 2 past the concrete barrier.
 Hi Caesar, I'm Ryann!

 Nice to meet you Poppa Peeps!

 Snuggling with Grandma Peeps!

 Birthday girl gets her ears pierced! She was so brave and did awesome!

 Singing Happy 5th Birthday to Lizzy!

Day 2, Aug 7th - Montgomery, AL - Mooresville, NC.  Operation drop Ryann with my parents!

 Really neat, Heather and David live right near Tuskegee, AL where the airmen trained.

 Mouth Breather!

 ATL Braves Stadium

 Olympic Torch from the 1996 Summer Olympics

 Atlanta food truck park, nick and I were so excited to stop here for lunch to support the food trucks, but of course the 2 trucks we wanted to try were not there.... Hopefully we will make it back!

 Basically what Nick drove in the entire way from ATL until he switched with my in Gaffney, SC.

 Whatcha lookin at!

 Giant Peach water tower, Gaffney, SC!

 Sleepyhead, almost to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

 me, trying to be artistic!!

Day 3 - Mooresville, NC to Baltimore, MD (staying with my sister Shannon and her husband Justin for the night to break of the drive to NY)
 Great, another day of rain and fog for Nick to drive in.  This is the visibility going up the mountain in VA on I-81.

 Another fun water tower.  Basket of apples! Mount Jackson, VA I believe.

 you know you are in D.C when... 4 lanes of traffic are bumper to bumper at 2pm.

 Hi Baltimore!

 2012 Super Bowl Champions, Baltimore Ravens Stadium.

 Baltimore Orioles Stadium

 Baltimore Harbor!  So nice!

 Glass building is the Baltimore Aquarium

 Boat docs a few blocks away from my sisters townhouse.

 We will be making this at Thanksgiving!

 We miss you Meesh!

 So cute, my sister has stained glass by her front door and Window.  Probably should have taken a pic of her house, LOL!  Will have to next time.  Had a great time.  In the morning headed to Peekskill, NY.

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